marzo 8, 2023 - 12:30 pm
marzo 8, 2023 - 1:30 pm
Sala Luis Caballero, K 208, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá View mapEn el marco de los Encuentros CIC de Artes y Humanidades 2023-1, Michael Haldrup de Roskilde University ofrece la charla «Art, Culture and Transformative Politics. Performative Strategies for Social Change».
Departing from Bifo’s proposition for the humanities to contribute to the necessary task of strengthening social ‘futur-ability’, understood as peoples trust and ability to engage with the shaping of the future as a product of collective conscious action, the lecture will attempt to open up dialogues around how to re-imagine social futures in the face of social and environmental injustice. Using examples from three cases on practice-based experiments with transformational politics respectively conditions for disabled young people, LGBTQ+-perspectives on heritage and environmental rights of non-human species, the lecture will explore how speculative theory, design strategies, queer theory and eco-feminism can serve as important inspiration points for mobilizing art and culture as part of performative strategies for social change.