Transregional Academy on Latin American Art IV: Plural Temporalities. Theories and Practices of Time
La Academia facilita un intercambio transregional sobre conceptos de temporalidad e historicidad
Call for papers – Landscape Art of the Americas: Sites of Human Intervention across the Nineteenth Century
Landscape Art of the Americas: Sites of Human Intervention across the Nineteenth Century: An International Symposium Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia. Mayo 21 - 23, 2020 Call for papers Landscape, for Alexander von Humboldt, was “the totality of all aspects of a region as perceived by men.” It references an area whose character is [...]
Convocatoria – Congreso internacional sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de lenguas clásicas
Profesores y estudiantes pueden presentar talleres, mesas temáticas y ponencias hasta el 15 de marzo de 2019.
Call for papers – International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Classical Languages
Sutents and professors can present workshops, thematic panels and papers. Deadline: April 15th, 2019.
Call for papers VIII Art History Symposium – Art and Medium(s) in Contemporary History of Art
ART AND MEDIUM(S) IN CONTEMPORARY HISTORY OF ART VIII Art History Symposium Art History Department at Universidad de Los Andes Bogotá. October 24th – 26th, 2018 Deadline: June 30th Keynote speakers: Carol Armstrong (Yale University) Andrew Uroskie (Stony Brook University) Video, photography, and cinema have played key roles for identifying the challenges and prospects of [...]