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Profesor de planta

Jorge Gregorio García

Profesor asociado

Composición, medios electroacústicos, mixtos e instrumentales. Sistemas inmersivos de sonido (composición e interpretación). Tecnología musical. Teoría de la música.

Juan Pablo Espitia

Profesor Asociado

Audio, acústica y tecnología

Mauricio Arias-Esguerra

Profesor asistente

Piano - Música Contemporánea - Música de Cámara - Composición

Carolina Gamboa

Profesora Asociada - Directora de Actividades Corales

Música vocal y coral de los siglos XX y XXI

Sandro Carrero

Director Sello Disquero Uniandes SDU - Profesor Asociado

Producción musical y negocios de la música

Antonio Carbonell

Director del Programa Infantil y Juvenil de Formación Musical - Profesor Asociado


Óscar Acevedo

Profesor Asociado

Composición y jazz

Pedro Omar Baracaldo

Profesor Asociado

Desarrollo de software para entrenamiento auditivo. TICs en formación básica musical.

Armando Fuentes

Profesor Asociado

Música antigua, repertorio vocal e instrumental, voz y laúd

María Marcela García

Profesora Asociada

Apreciación, e historia y teoría de la música

Santiago Lozano

Profesor Asociado - Director del Departamento de Música

Composición. Composición para cine, medios y transdiciplinariedad. Improvisación. Música electroacúsitica, electrónica, mixta

Catalina Peralta

Profesora Asociada

Composición acústica instrumental y electroacústica

Pedro Felipe Ramírez

Profesor Asociado

Música - Arte sonoro siglo XX y XXI

Andrés Silva

Profesor Asociado

Canto lírico 

Rondy Torres

Vicedecano de Investigación y Creación - Profesor Asociado - Profesor representante de la Maestría en Música.

Musicólogo. Armonía, Morfología, Musicología, Historia de la música del siglo XIX, Historia de la música en Colombia

Juana Monsalve

Profesora asistente de canto

Investigadora de canción artística latinoamericana y mujeres compositoras.

Daniel Alberto Velasco

Profesor de planta

Compositores de Cine latinoamericano

Juan Sebastián Rojas

Investigador posdoctoral

Ensamble de músicas del Pacífico colombiano

María Margarita Jiménez

Profesor Asociado

Drawing, sculpture, painting, literature, criticism, curating, education, film, journalism, caricature, art and law, art market, politics: everything and nothing.

Lucas Ospina

Profesor Asociado

Drawing, sculpture, painting, literature, criticism, curating, education, film, journalism, caricature, art and law, art market, politics: everything and nothing.

Carolina Cerón

Director of the Department of Art - Associate Professor

The curatorial, mediations, experimental writing, work with communities, Cultural projects formulation and management.

Santiago Forero

Assistant professor

His work investigates the body, identity, scale and domination in relation to mass media images.

Juan Mejía

Associate Professor

Drawing, contemporary art, art and animals

Juan Fernando Herrán

Profesor Titular

Research and creative work about contextual aspects of Colombian society. He uses diverse media and strategies of representation.

Edgar Guzmanruiz

Associate Professor

Relationship between Art and Architecture - Sculpture - Art in public space - Installation

Myriam Luisa Díaz

Associate Professor

Multimedia, programming, narratives and animation

David Peña

Associate Professor - Professor representing the Master's Degree in Electronic and Time-Based Visual Arts.

Programming and electronics. Digital processes. Art and science.

Carmen Gil Vrolijk

Associate Professor

Art and technologies, media archeology, expanded cinema, experimental narratives, performing arts

Fredy Buitrago

Assistant professor

His research and creative work addresses the relationship between visual perception and time.

Verónica Uribe

Associate Professor

19th-Century Latin American Art, travel and materialty; History of sketchbooks; History of landscape painting; and scientific explorations of the 18th and 19th centuries.

Juanita Solano Roa

Assistant Professor

History of photography; photography in Latin America; Modern and contemporary art in Latin America; Art and Food

Natalia Lozada Mendieta

Assistant Professor

PhD in Archaeology from University College London (UCL). Specialises in the study of ceramics and rock art from the Orinoco and greater Amazonia region.

Ana María Franco

Associate Professor - MA Faculty Representative

Postwar abstract art in Europe, the United States and Latin America; Gender studies and feminism in Latin American abstract art.

Alexander Herrera

Associate Professor

My research addresses landscapes and material culture from a long-term perspective that draws upon ethnohistory and ethnography, integrated with environmental and historical data. I focus on social interaction across the Andes, from the Pacific to Amazonia, to study how economic and political interaction shapes identity politics. I also study ritual musical practices and soundscapes, as linkages between mortuary and sacred landscapes and water management systems. The application of indigenous traditions of water harvesting in rural development and climate change adaptation is a line of cooperative research with local partners in the highlands of Peru.

Darío Velandia

Chair of the Department Art History - Associate Professor

Spanish Golden Age painting, religious visual culture, survival and reception of the classical and medieval art in modern age.

Betsy Forero Montoya

Associate Professor

Visual and popular culture, film studies, gender studies, Japanese studies

María Clara Bernal

Associate Professor

Modern and contemporary art in Latin America and the Caribbean, Surrealism in the Caribbean, Migration and art.

Olga Acosta

Associate Professor

Associate Professor of South American colonial art. PhD in Art History, TU Dresden; Graphic Designer and Master in History, UNAL Colombia.

Patricia Zalamea

Associate Professor

Associate Professor in the Department of Art History and was dean of the School of Arts and Humanities (2015-2021)

Santiago Restrepo Ramírez

Assistant Professor

Hispanic literatures of the Middle Ages and the Golden Ages. Critical edition.

Nicolás Vaughan Caro

Chair of the Department of Humanities and Literature - Associate Professor

Digital humanities (critical and diplomatic editions; digital text; TEI encoding and XSLT transformation)

Nicolás Barbosa López

Visiting Professor of Portuguese Language and Literature

Portuguese, Brazilian and Portuguese-African literature. Literary translation

Myriam Díaz

Associate Professor

Philology and classical studies

Mario Barrero

Associate Professor

Spanish and Latin American literatures of the 20th and 21st centuries

María Mercedes Andrade

Associate Professor

Modern and contemporary literary theory, Women's writing, 19th and 20th century Latin American literature

Jerónimo Pizarro

Associate Professor

Archive and editing, Digital humanities, Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese studies, Hispanic literatures.

Hugo Hernán Ramírez

Associate Professor

Hispanic American literature of the 16th and 17th centuries

Gemma Bernadó

Representative of the M.A. program in Classical Studies - Assitant Professor

Greek and Latin literature, language and culture of classical Antiquity

Claudia Montilla

Associate Professor

European and American novel of the 19th and 20th centuries, Historical novel, Colombian novel of the 20th century

Camilo Hernández

Representative of the M.A. and the Ph.D. programs in Literature- Assistant Professor

Latin American literature and visual culture

Andrea Salgado

Writer in Residence

Creative Writing

Andrea Lozano Vásquez

Dean - Associate Professor

Hellenistic philosophy, Ancient literary theory, reception of the classical tradition, teaching of ancient Greek

Ana Filipa Prata

Assistant Professor

Comparative Literature, Contemporary Portuguese and French Literature, Postcolonial Studies, Gender Studies, Space and Literature

David Solodkow

Associate Professor

Colonial Literature, Anthropology and literature, Biopolitics, Literature and the formation of the national State in Latin America

Juan Sebastián Bastos

Profesor asistente

Producción musical

Carolina Franco

Associate Professor

Scientific illustration, art books and printmaking

Carolina Alzate

Full Professor

Latin American 19th century, Gender studies, Colombian writers, Critical and literary theory of the 19th -21st centuries

Ricardo Arias

Associate Professor

Sound art