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Carolina Gamboa

Profesora Asociada - Directora de Actividades Corales

Música vocal y coral de los siglos XX y XXI

Antonio Carbonell

Director del Programa Infantil y Juvenil de Formación Musical - Profesor Asociado


Ricardo Corredor Cure

Director, Centro de Estudios en Periodismo

Oficina: Bloque T 204C - Extensión:  2189

Ana María Zapata

Editorial Manager

Ext. 3843

Yanneth Reyes Roa

Academic Adviser

Ext. 2139

María Clara Bernal

Associate Professor

Modern and contemporary art in Latin America and the Caribbean, Surrealism in the Caribbean, Migration and art.

Laura Patricia Bolívar Trujillo

Editorial Administrative Assistant - Humanities and Literature & Art History

Ext. 3843

Margarita Pérez

Editorial Manager

Ext. 4783

Alejandra Cruz

Administrative Assistant at the Departments of Humanities and Literature and Art History

Exts. 2501 - 3299

William Paiba

Undergraduate Academic Coordinator

Ext. 2507

Andrea Lozano Vásquez

Dean - Associate Professor

Hellenistic philosophy, Ancient literary theory, reception of the classical tradition, teaching of ancient Greek