Forging a History of Modern Art from the Andes
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Forging a History of Modern Art from the Andes
Call for Proposals
August 16-19, 2022
Universidad de los Andes
Bogota, Colombia
Workshop Description:
“Forging a History of Modern Art from the Andes” aims to create opportunities for exchange and collaboration among emerging and established scholars working on the history of modern art from the Andean region of South America (Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru). Among other things, we will collaboratively interrogate how a modern art history centered on the Andes might raise questions different than those on which North Atlantic modernism or even broader “Latin American” histories of modernism tend to be centered. The workshop will consist of presentations and discussions of work in progress by participants, visits to museums and collections in Bogota, and two invited keynote lectures. We hope that this might be the first step in an ongoing project; at the conclusion of the workshop, we will discuss collectively how the project might best be extended or rethought.
International travel to Bogota and lodging for the duration of the workshop will be covered for all participants through a generous grant from the University of Chicago’s Provost Office.
Keynote speakers:
- Michele Greet, Director Art History Program, George Mason University
Graduate students and early-career scholars are encouraged to apply, as well as early or mid-career curators and critics active in the field. Applicants from any geographic region are welcome to apply. Presentations can be in English or Spanish.
How to Apply:
Please email the following documents to Ana Franco (anfranco@uniandes.edu.co) and Megan Sullivan (sullivan1@uchicago.edu):
-a short CV (max 5 pages)
-an abstract of the work in progress that you would like to present (300-400 words)
-a letter of introduction outlining your interest in modern art from the Andes region and why you would like to participate in the workshop
Application materials may be written in either Spanish or English
Deadline: January 15, 2022
Notification of results: mid-February 2022